Attention: Affiliate Marketers using PPC.....

You Have Been Lied To About Landing Pages

Dear Affiliate Marketer,

As an affiliate marketer using PPC, you can't afford to land your traffic on a page that is not relevant to your keyphrase. With the latest round of Google Slap you will get heavy penalties for landing your hard earned traffic on irrelevant pages. You could be paying sky high bid prices.

You already know that right?

Why not just link directly to the affiliate,or use a link maker service?

Warning: You may be in breach of the affiliate program guidelines (Amazon for example)

This is no way to build your customer list! - you are throwing away traffic. 98% of people landing on your page will not buy from you right now. Why not capture them and use turn them into buyers?

And how do you differentiate your promotion from the dozens out there?

  • Good Landing pages will help your conversions and increase your ability to test different offers, upsells, cross sells and name capture.
  • Relevant landing pages will lower PPC bid prices and pre-sell your prospect.

Imagine landing your valuable pay per click traffic on keyword optimized landing pages just like this one that continue the story from the ad they clicked on.

You might have been told you need to learn HTML to be successful.

You don't

I didn't use any HTML coding skills to create this page.

I just typed the words in less than three minutes and then pushed "publish".

Let's imagine I want to make an easy landing page like this for ten keyword phrases and customize the words for each one.

That would take between 10 - 30 minutes for the lot if I wanted to re-write the content by 75% or so.

How much would your PPC marketing campaign be boosted if you could make HIGHLY relevant landing pages that are so easy to make?

The main thing is.... you would actually make the pages because they are so easy to create.

Just pick a very general domain name (like and start your own landing page centre.You can even make a subdomain for each topic and build a network of landing pages.

The tool I am suggesting you consider for landing page creation is XSitePro.

Click on the XSP Cheat Sheet image below to read  about my story and my special offer to you if you are considering buying XSitePro. I also invite you to join my XSitePro newsletter tips.

