September 18, 2009

Automated Publishing Makes Website Management Easy

Many of those who are in the process of building websites and maintaining them are doing it as a bit of a hobby. While there are many people out there who make a very good living on the Internet, for the majority, that ís perhaps not the case for them it becomes a chore.

So how is one to balance the needs of everyday life, a job, a family, etc., and making sure that your website receives constant updates throughout the week to keep readers coming back? One great way to manage this is with scheduled and automated publishing features built into quality website building software.

A well-designed piece of web design software usually has built in FTP features, where you can easily upload your website to the Internet with a click of a button. Automated publishing essentially takes this feature and puts it onto a precise schedule so that your website can be updated with new content without you doing a thing.

Here are a few tips to maximize your websiteís effectiveness using automated publishing:

* Make A Schedule: Itíd be great to post new updates to your website everyday, but thatís not always possible for a lot of people. Instead, set up a schedule, say Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and stick to it. The lighter load of producing new content will make life easier, and if you come up with some great new stuff during the week, you can always publish it on an off day, or, if the content is of a timely nature, insert it into the schedule and bump back other content.

* The One-Day Work Week: A favorite of many webmasters, the one-day work week consists of spending 5-6 hours in one day, usually on the weekend, and writing a bunch of new content for your website. Once thatís done, just set up your web design software to publish on your schedule, and you donít have to worry about working on your website for another 6 days.

* Seasonal Scheduling: Never underestimate the power of seasonal content to draw web traffic. Whether your content is about a holiday, a season, a sport thatís about to get the season underway, etc. If you think up a great angle for an article about a topic that ís months away, make sure to write it down. Then, just set the scheduler and make sure to give it a quick revision before publishing to make sure the information is still pertinent.

When looking at website building software, do yourself a favor and ensure it has a scheduling feature.

Check out XSitepro

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Filed under XSite Pro, XSite Pro 2 Review, XSite Pro Blog by James

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