October 9, 2008

XSitePro 2.0 enables you to build incredible websites

XSitePro 2.0 enables you to build incredible websites. Also, the extensive template selections make sure that your website looks great. But, what's the point of creating a website like that if nobody will see it? Well, don't worry, because the makers of XSite Pro thought of this. That's why they've provided an expansive suite of features designed to help you get your site noticed.

Increase Your Google Rating

Google has become one of the premier search engines in the world, and those websites that are listed at the beginning of a search are far more likely to be clicked on than the websites listed on later pages. The last time you did a Google search, did you click on a site in the first two or three pages, or a site on the thirtieth? So, increasing your rank on a Google search of the subject your site focuses on is a smart way to increase the number of visitors who view your site. X Site Pro helps you to create an XML Google Sitemap using a simple tool. This sitemap can then be submitted directly to Google to ensure that every page of your site is accounted for and indexed by Google's search engine.

The Power of Siloing

Siloing is an advanced technique used in Search Engine Optimization (SEO). This technique, and the handy tools provided with X Site Pro, help you to create interlinking structures within your site. These structures are designed to focus on a few themes and keywords that your website is built around. These themes and keywords, when properly organized, can raise the ranking of your website on search engines considerably. While the theory can seem a bit complicated, the makers of X Site Pro went to great lengths to ensure that this powerful feature is easily used and readily available.

SEO Analysis

While everybody wants their site to be optimized for search engines, its sometimes hard to know where to begin. After all, the inner workings of search engines that index vast amounts of data are understandably complicated, so how do you make your site more amenable to these convoluted algorithms? You simply open up the Page Analysis tab in X Site Pro and have it run an SEO Analysis on your website. After the analysis is complete, XSitePro will suggest a series of improvements that will lead to a higher search engine ranking.

Get XSitePro 2

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Filed under Affiliate Marketing, Benefits, Blog, Build a Business Website, Download, Make Money Online, Tools, XSP Cheat Sheet, XSitrePro Bonus, easy website builder, xsitepro2, xsiteprov2 by James

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