September 18, 2009

Templates For Website Building Novices

It's never been easier for average people to build website and create their own presence on the Internet. The upside is that new information is available to everyone, but the downside is that there are a lot of dreadful looking websites out there build by those who don't understand the features of quality website building software.

Now, visual design isn't everything to a website. There are plenty of sites out there that have a horrible design, but the value of their content balances out the eyesores. But why take the risk that somebody will click away from your website if it looks bad? If you've monetized your website, that's money slipping through your fingers.

Use Templates!

By using templates in website building software programs, you can get a professional looking website in minutes. All you have to do is add you own content.

Templates usually come in two varieties: those included with web design software, and templates purchased from a third party. The purchased ones may be rather generic or they could be completely customized to your needs, with the more customized ones being more expensive.

Be Flexible

The number one thing that you want to look for in a template is flexibility, and this is where the pre-packaged templates with web design software really shine. Essentially, the visual presentation of your website isnít directly tied to the content.

For example, you could write an article and insert images, then apply a template to that content. If you donít like it, then you can just cycle to another template and all of your content will stay intact. This flexibility may seem like a small thing once you've settled on a template you like, but if you want to do a redesign in the future, you will have the ability to change your website with a couple of button clicks, instead of recreating each and every page. This is where quality website building software comes in.

Sometimes, a software company will offer a premium templates pack, or a third-party retailer will include templates in a deal so that you buy from them. These premium templates are probably your best bet for designing a unique website. They offer the flexibility inherent to the pre-packaged templates, but theyíre also exclusive enough that your website will stand out from the crowd.

Don't get too hung up on the design of your website, though. While a great visual layout will certainly make people more likely to look at your website, the thing that keeps them there is great content.

Using a quality website building software package should provide you with flexible templates, great content management tools and great design options.

When you buy xsitepro you also get additional Xsitepro templates here

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Filed under Tools, XSite Pro, XSite Pro 2 Review, XSite Pro Blog, XSitePro, easy website builder by James

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