September 18, 2009

XsitePro - Automated SEO Analysis Tools

For those new to web design, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a process by which web designers try to get high organic rankings on search engines without the use of paid ads (which are considered organic).

While it is easy to state in one sentence, the actual process of making a website SEO friendly can b e daunting, to say the least. But, with the proper range of tools, you can make your way to the top of the search engine rankings and get the type of traffic that exposure comes with.

XsitePro SEO Analysis Tools

Luckily, most of those tools are all included in the XSitePro website design software, but this software SEO analysis tools are something special.

There are lots of freelance consultants out there who will, for a fee, go through your website and make adjustments to make it more search engine-friendly. However, a vast majority of the people who are starting up in the Internet business world donít have the money to spend on these consultants, so software tools are used to replace them.

The XSitePro SEO analysis tool does what any good consultant would, like looking at links, link anchor text, keywords, meta data, and all the other information that goes into determining search engine ranks. Once this analysis is done, you are presented with an easy-to-read report that gives you an eagle-eye view of your websiteís SEO strengths and weaknesses.

Man or Machine?

This is a sticking point for many people: how can a computer program do as good a job as a real person? And itís a valid point, as some of the top consultants out there will spot things that computer analysis glosses over. However, unless youíre a huge corporation, you likely canít afford that level of consultant, and also, youíre forgetting one important thing: computers decide how websites rank.

Every time you do a web search, a computer uses a complex algorithm to find the most suitable matches by analyzing the data included in your web pages. If a computer makes these determinations, then computer analysis of the factors that lead to those determinations is definitely worthwhile.

There are some factors in SEO that are beyond your control (like the number of other websites that link to your site, which has an impact on your rankings), but in the tough competition of the Internet, it is wise to do everything possible to make sure that you end up at the top of a search engine's list.

Those who implement the variety of tools, especially the SEO Analysis tools, in XsitePro must benefit from higher search engine rankings, than if they try to go it alone.


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Filed under Article, Comparison, Review by James

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